This is a list of people who have joined the Empire. Titles in italics denote official positions which the citizen has been elected or appointed to.
Population by Area:
Aerican Embassy To Everything Else
By tradition, the Emperor is considered a citizen of no colony and is a citizen of the whole of the Empire.
- Eric Lis Emperor of the Aerican Empire
Located in Australia, Chompsville is a small but thriving colony well loved by its residents.
- Eric Mandelker
- Kazuo TAKAKI
- a literal werewolf
- Alice Corkill
- Arien
- Arseniy
- Artem
- Ben the alright
- Benjamin ANTOINE
- Bob Li
- Brady Smith
- Bumblebeegoat
- Carmelo Cahdamo
- Daniel Gonzalez
- David Gourevitch
- Demalikan Prezidium
- Fruk_tik
- Giampaolo Fiore
- Gurkaran Singh Kochhar
- Heroztt VIP
- Honor
- Jacob Zhuang
- James Loud
- Jasdeep Singh Waraich
- John Oakley
- John Smith
- Kotofey
- Kyle Donald Smith
- R.J Kumar
- Schlieffen Man
- Stephanie Pujol
- Svyatoslav
- SwitchTV
- The Wildfog Crew and The Wildfog Society
- Veron
- William Schumacher
- William Russell
Home to the center of Imperial Activities, the Embassy to Everything Else, Earth is the Empire's oldest and historically most populous section.
- João joa
- Aiden Swartz
- Aisha Galynskaia
- Alex
- Alex
- Alexander Emil Haarlev Schmidt
- Alexey Novikov
- Alim
- Amirsina Dehghan
- Andreas
- Andrew Giusto
- Andrey
- Anna-Maria
- Anton Ivanenko
- Arseniy
- Arseny
- Artem
- Artyom
- Austin Huang
- Avet
- AyaalD
- baraka mtajiri
- Barbara L Johnson-Haddad
- Ben
- Benjamin Snow
- Bo Wang
- Bob Menzies
- Brian
- Caesius Caelus
- Chase Michael Nicholas
- Christopher Bell
- Dalera
- Dan Hanstock
- Daniel R. Fecht
- Danilo
- Dasha
- David Alan Cohen
- Definitely a person
- Denis
- Dieter
- Dmitrii
- Dmitry
- Edmond Dezso
- Egor
- Egor
- Egroish
- Elira Lumturi
- Emir Ugurel
- Emma
- Epic Fassold
- Fer Luna
- Filippo l'imperatore
- George
- Grace
- Guy Primmer
- His Majesty Alvin the Great of Tikawania
- Hulagu Han
- Ilia Kononov
- Ilya
- Ilya
- Ivan
- Ivan
- Ivan Oralov
- Jace Chen
- Jacob Thomas Brewer
- Jake "IKEA kid"
- Jaymie Wild
- Jenny Yan
- Jimin
- John Jackson Addams
- Johnnie Noe Ortiz
- Jose maria martin casado
- Joseph Blanc
- Joseph Santo
- Julia Denaro
- Kasseta
- Kiba
- Kiryanova Polina
- Konstantin Gulyaev
- Kostja
- Kostya
- Kostya Zubenko
- Lana
- Latte
- Leandro
- Leo Zomer
- Leonard Wallstein
- Lorenzo Antonio Prudenzano
- Lopokloshka
- Marco Cullhaj
- Marz
- Mati
- Maxim
- MC
- Med Ryder
- Meleshko Yaroslav Ruslanovich
- Mepa
- Michael Schneider
- Milk Cheese
- muu
- Naomi Montana Murray
- Nathan Maron Head of the Aerican Imperial Guard
- Oliver
- Oliver Bernal
- Paul Fedorov
- Paul Hyson, or Tzeenj
- Platon
- President of doritonia
- Prissia
- Prry
- Rain Baker
- Randy Walker Former President of the Senate and Minister of Intermicronational Affairs
- Roman
- Roman Adrianov
- Ron II
- Rusiev Daniil
- Sanya
- Savelii
- Sedov Vladimir Gennadevich
- Shliter Georg Vladimirovish
- Simone lorusso
- Simpson
- Siru
- SongXingchen
- Space Robot
- Stepan
- Stepan Radeev
- Svetlana Svetlaya
- Taras
- Toller
- Tord
- Trofimov Arthur Yurievich
- Tuulikki Liechtenstein
- Vadim
- Vansimaey Kylian
- Vasiliy
- Vincenzo Carabetta
- Vittorio Barbi
- Vladimir
- Vsevolod Voronov
- Vyacheslav
- Wonk
- Xavier Alexandro Diaz Cataio
- Yakovlev Nazar
- Yaroslav
- Yaroslav
- Youssef El Sayad
- Zach Fossard
- Zaur
- Zhang Rui kai
Mars Colony
The thriving Mars Colony has always been one of the Empire's largest and most influential colonies.
- Aidan Hartry
- Nolan MacLellan
- Alejandro Goodman
- Alex
- Alex Puzov
- Alexander
- Alexander Khomutovskiy
- Alina Kulish
- Amelia Bak
- Artem
- Artur (Ramil) Dautov
- Bogdan
- Casey Dyer
- CaVe
- Connor Hetner
- Daniel Holding
- Dr Sam Sussman- doc sam Minister of Mental Health and Happiness and Ambassador to Canada
- Drab
- Dzianis
- Ematorello
- Erik Eisenboobler
- Ethan Thornburg
- Eugene
- Eugene
- Fleet
- FlipperZebra
- Francesco Bertocchi
- Gape Horn
- Hyperion
- ilya ikonnikov
- Ivanich
- James Wilson-Randolph
- Jesus
- Jonas Hopper
- Lefebvre Yohann
- leiphd
- Leon
- Maksim
- Mani Thorvalds
- Mattie
- Max
- Maxim Ignatov
- Mikeneko
- Mironka
- Monsieur Heraid
- Mosschin
- Myrsine Lachanaris
- Nastrofaction Knight of Irrational and Imaginary numbers
- Netesov Ivan
- Nick Liebeck
- Nicko Valiant
- Nieto
- Ophelia
- ParadoX
- Pavel
- Petra Sági
- Pond
- Principe Besugo
- Proxima Centauri
- Randy Ostendorf
- Ryotabon
- Samantha Moffatt
- Sanya
- Sasha Samosval
- sdp
- Soph
- Sophie Shy
- Thaemus Alexandersson
- Theophilus C. Birdwhistle Minister of Imperial Speech Standards and Proper Language Legislation
- Thomas Chiarazzo
- Thomas Chuang
- Tristan Glark Minister of Diplomacy and Foreign Affairs and Governor of Mars Colony
- TTHSK Knight of the Typos
- Unnikrishnan Parangath
- Wumfi
- Yuiyui
Surrounded on all sides by beautiful rural England, Microvia is rumoured to be the home of the Aerican Imperial Intelligence Service.
- Ravanna Kennedy
- Ravishankar N S
- Aeron III
- Andrew A. Nixon
- Avinash Devangan
- Brian Wattelet
- Carmen Lagares
- Daniel Cataloni
- Darius Manolache
- Davide
- Diego De Pinto
- Dima
- Domenico
- Enricothegreat
- Erohin Vladimir Dmitrievich
- Geno
- Giacomo Zanzi
- Gianmario Ricciardi
- ino il pizzaiolo
- Kirill
- Luo Yiming
- Nater Tot
- Nicola Pillonetto
- Olivier Angiboust
- Pavel
- Phoenix Sparta
- Pól Ó hÉighinn
- Robert Motum
- Roy Pigeon
- Simon Brooke
- Vladik
- Zhokhov German Dmitrievich
Northern Plutopia
Home to all manner of silliness not found closer to the sun, Northern Plutopia is the most improbable of all Imperial lands.
- Shaun Ferguson
- Adon
- Ali Richter
- Amanda Donaldson
- Baron Dooter Von Idiot
- Dmitry Dolgov
- Docasta Pierre
- Elizabeth Smirnova
- Giulia The Magnificent
- Jimbo Sanchez "The Baron"
- Karl Schimdt
- Katmint
- King River Ratt
- Laurita
- Lefty Tillinghast
- Lina Lovisa Nilsson
- Medicine Person the 86th
- Mikkel
- Neil Degrasse Tyson!
- Nicky Liberty
- Pie Limos
- Piero Sebastiani
- Pineapple syrup
- Reon
- Rye Adriano
- Samuele Bonino
- Sandro Montalto
- Scatt Scett Scitt Scott Scutt Internet
- Slade Sheldon
- Stefano Zarli
- Sven
- Trilby Magistus
- Victor MacMold Assistant to the Regional Postmaster / Philatéliste Extraordinnaire du Plutopia
- Wren
- Yanev
- YI
Vast and deep, the waters of Parrwater contain many mysteries which only the Aericans have thus explored.
- Nick Taylor
- AllanDale McEwen
- best genius in the world
- Daniel "Viscacha" Li
- Eovnia Pual Seer of the West
- Erik Nelson
- Giacinto Dipinto
- Karma 2.0
- Lucas Conde Jesus
- Makar
- Mark736
- Michael N. Mazur
- Ping Pong
- Prizka Salazar
- Ryley Lockwood
- Vaugh
- Worra2575
The second largest Earth-bound colony of the Empire, Psyche is the center of the Empire's wargaming and the headquarters of the Ministry of Silly Things.
- Raven
- Sean Austin
- Asdrubale
- Asteria
- Demi Imed
- Dr. José Enrique Conde Belmonte
- Enrico Agostini
- Evan Greenberger
- Evander
- Francesco Greco
- Gabe Espino
- Hemat
- Hermes Cecere
- Holly Monroe
- Keanan
- Keith Gorg III
- Melissa Teachman
- Myth
- Nova Mollett
- Oded Paz
- Rebekah Esther Frye Bowler Laureate
- Susmu
- Tarashin Dulgors
- Toast P. Gonzales
- Viola Zonta
- Vita Suponina
Retsaot Island
Retsaot Island is a breathtaking and wonderous landscape whose beauty is dulled only by the rampaging man-eating orange power plugs which live there.
- BlueAlly
- Princess Aliays
- Dadde
- Dame Janie owner of the pasty pony
- Delmar Nikita
- Francesco Cattaneo
- Guido Grillo
- Julian Petrillo
- Kerry Copito
- Karan Koushik Borah
- Lioik
- Lukáš Horčička
- Manuel Sisani
- Mathias Drumm
- Max
- Meko
- Oscar Delgado
- Roland Caubet
- Supreme Overlord Percy Barker
- y.v.repov
The Pasture
The picturesque Pasture is the Empire's oldest citizen-submitted colony and has been a center of sillyness and cow-related jokes since its acceptance.
- Princess Luci Holy Princess of Irrational and Imaginary Numbers
- 7 Grimm
- A Mihály
- Alexandra McCarty High Admiral of the Space Corps
- Buner
- Cam Converse
- Clover
- Denver Martin
- Eric Mathew Yearian
- Feliciano Vergas
- Levi Marinho Head Master of Automation Nonsense
- Lovino Vargas
- Michael Sullivan
- Mitchel Mark Paul
- Monica Pair
- Nico Wiedemann
- Rumpus Parable
- Ruthie
- Sasha Somesurname
- Trisha
- VhaÌna Chthonic-King Candy Queenston
- Wiktor Sendrowicz
- Zachary Vance
The Empire's only claimed fictional world, Verden is a constantly evolving colony.
- Lily Payne, local Idiot and Historian
- Abdul Jabar
- Andrea
- Bryan
- Charlotte Cybele
- Chun Chen
- Eliza Metz
- Gustav Palowski
- Ibrahim
- Ivan
- Jan Mayen
- Lord Valdomero
- Manu
- Maxcaw
- Mob Kaczmarczyk
- Noah Quinn
- Oni
- Rose
- Viskas_myr
A land rich in wildlife and natural beauty, Yackbard is a place of comfort and serenity broken only by the Empire's highest rate of reported hauntings
- Eric Huang
- Estfano
- Fabian
- Fairy Godmother
- IronGollum
- Kalani Cunha
- Kenzie
- Kevin Zhang
- Matteo I di Ferrara
- Mooncat
- Nick Brideau
- Owen Tracy
- Stina Nance
- Zachary Standig
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