In the history of the Empire, precisely zero lives have been lost to zombie attacks. No zombie outbreaks have ever occured, nor have any reliable zombie sightings ever been reported. None the less, the threat of zombie outbreak and invasion is a clear and present danger in the minds of many citizens, and so the Zombie-Defense Task Force was formed in September of 2008.
The ZDTF's roles are as follows:
- 1) To ensure that the Imperial government has zombie plans in place in case of zombie invasion
- 2) To ensure that the government is ready to react with swift and decisive action in the face of zombie outbreak
- 3) To ensure that the population is educated as to the dangers of zombie outbreak, and what steps to take in the face of an apparent crisis
- 4) To investigate and follow up on any reports of suspected outbreak activity
Use your heads - Protect your braaaaainsss
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